
The gifts have been opened and the decorations put away. Christmas is behind us once again so we plunge into 2016 with renewed fervor. It’s a time for a fresh start with new goals.
We make our list of resolutions planning to lose weight, reduce our debts, finish our education and read the Bible through in this new year. We make moves to change our ways, turn over new leafs and improve our lives.
I want to challenge each of you to embark upon this new year with a different mind-set…a more Christ-like demeanor.
Several years ago, my husband was speaking at a mission service in a church that had pews. On the second row were seven eight-year-old boys. They were passing notes, swinging their feet and whispering among themselves…all except one boy seated next to the aisle. He was listening to every word of J.R’s sermon and missionary stories.
At the end of the service they were taking the missions offering starting from the back of the sanctuary to the front with plans to pray over the offering when it reached the pulpit area. This church still used the flat, round offering plates with wooden trim.
JR watched the young boy to see what he would do. With the offering plate drawing near, he checked the pockets of his jeans and his shirt…finding nothing he could give. When the offering plate reached his row, each eight-year-old had to pass it to his neighbor.
Finally, with the plate in his hands, the young boy slipped from his pew and stepped into the aisle and placed the offering plate on the floor…then stepped into the plate with tears coursing down his cheeks. He had nothing to give…but chose to give himself…that others might come to know the Lord as their Savior.
Friends, we have given our lives to the Lord’s service, but it is good to be reminded that it’s our responsibility to point the lost to the One who died for their sins.
Scripture tells us…
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” ~ Luke 19:10 (NIV)
Photo by Deb Collins
As we reached out to the hungry, hurting, lonely and forgotten during the Christmas season…consider making it a habit. List…’seek and save the lost’…on your list of resolutions this year.
After all, this is our mandate…our purpose and the only thing better than going to Heaven…is taking somebody with you. Winning someone to the Lord would make it a Happy New Year indeed.
What amazing way have you or someone you know shared their faith?